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    Naxxramas 10man - Cleared

    Secret Keeper
    Secret Keeper

    Number of posts : 914
    Location : Piraeus-Hellas
    Registration date : 2007-09-27

    Naxxramas 10man - Cleared Empty Naxxramas 10man - Cleared

    Post  Divinora Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:04 pm

    Spider Wing - Anub'rekhan

    Naxxramas 10man - Cleared Anub_r10
    1st kill for our Guild in a 10man raid, after a night full of tries and wipes. In the end we were succesfull and he went down. Many grats to all, it was a really nice fight cheers (8/12 23.10)

    Grand Widow Faerlina

    Naxxramas 10man - Cleared Faerli10
    2nd day in Naxx 2nd boss down.. she was fighting against her death but at the end she went down..Smile Big grats to all (9/12 22.50)


    Naxxramas 10man - Cleared Maexxn10
    Arachnid Quarter Cleared with her dead. (11/12 9.35)

    Plague Quarter - Noth the Plaguebringer

    Naxxramas 10man - Cleared Noth10
    "I will serve the master... in death". (11/12 22.55)

    Heigan the Unclean

    Naxxramas 10man - Cleared Heigan10
    "I see endless suffering... I see torment... I see rage... I see everything."...but he havent see his death Razz a great fight from all of you, after 3 hours of wipes we took him down. (15/12 22.55)


    Naxxramas 10man - Cleared Loathe10
    What i can say? a tremendous fight from ppl who believe in that they doing..a second wing cleared..gz Espilonian Very Happy (29/12 - 23.47)

    Instructor Razuvious

    Naxxramas 10man - Cleared Instru10
    An honorable... death... (1/1/2009 21:50)

    Gothik the Harvester

    Naxxramas 10man - Cleared Gothik10
    (5/1 - 22:55)

    The Four Horsemen

    Naxxramas 10man - Cleared Four_h10
    Easy kill.. good fight (6/1-22.20)


    Naxxramas 10man - Cleared Patchw10
    1st attempt and he went down Smile (6/1-23.10)


    Naxxramas 10man - Cleared Grobul10
    After 2 days of wipes we took him down (9/1 - 21.55)..


    Naxxramas 10man - Cleared Gluth10
    He sting.. he is ugly.. he is dead.. cheers (13/1 - 22:35)


    Naxxramas 10man - Cleared Thadiu10
    One of the most beautyfull fights i have see in Naxx Very Happy gratz to all for the team work (14/1 - 00:25)


    Naxxramas 10man - Cleared Sapphi10
    I love Dragons.. even if the fight with them is always harder, it is also awesome.. as awesome was the whole raid and the way we kept trying and trying till we took him down..Very Happy (20/1 - 23:45)


    Naxxramas 10man - Cleared Kel_th10
    21/1 03:20

    Naxxramas 10man - Cleared The_en10

    "Epsilon awoke before dawn, they got weapons and pots,
    took the road through frozen chambers
    And walked on down the hall into the room
    where Kel'Thuzad lived,
    and...then they paid a visit to him,
    And they came to a door...and they looked inside
    and said, We came to kill you Kel'Thuzad.

    C'mon baby, try to wipe us
    C'mon baby, try to wipe us

    Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill"

    It hurts to set you free
    But youll never follow me
    The end of laughter and soft lies
    The end of nights we tried and die

    NAXXRAMAS IS OFFICIALY CLEARED AT 21/1 -3:20am, A big thanks to all Epsilonians who worked for that result, present or not present in this last fight. It was a great team work from all and i was pleasuntly surprised as RL to see ppl to keep going after many wipes and huge repair bills and hours after the official raid end-time.. Smile

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 6:10 am